7 tips on how to make hair straight

Achieving perfect straight hair is not a seven-headed beast and not an impossible goal. Check out 7 simple and powerful tips that will help you in this mission!

Finding out how to make hair smooth, silky, vibrant and healthy is a dream come true for many women around the world. To parade around with shampoo-worthy locks you need to invest in time and good products!

Without further do, we will help you achieve the straight hair of dreams with 7 precious tips. Come on?!

# 1 Invest in good hair cleaning and conditioning products
No way, investing in quality products that are compatible with the real needs of our hair is the first step to having straight hair, free of frizz, split ends and porosity.

The shampoo and conditioner you choose should clean and nourish the hair without leaving it heavy and oily. Invest in a professional quality line that will provide you with great value and results in the first washes.

# 2 Put hydration on your agenda
Hydration serves to replace vitamins and nutrients that strands lose over the days. It is therefore essential to do it both at home and in the salon.

Remember that the hydration kit does not have to be the same line of products for daily use, it is ideal to be a more powerful and specific line.

# 3 Beware of Excessive Chemical Procedures
Dyeing, straightening, discoloration and many other invasive procedures end up destroying the hair fiber over time. Set up a schedule that is healthy for your hair.

Allow room for the hair to "breathe" and renew itself naturally. Healthy straight hair requires care, so if it is necessary to do dyeing and sealing in a short time, do not neglect hydration and nutrition.

# 4 Make the dryer your ally
Drying the hair to the natural hardly works as we would like. So use the dryer whenever possible and prefer the average temperature.

The heat provided is excellent for sealing the wires and enhancing the action of products used to moisturize and condition the wires. That is, drying the strands after hydration is the key to achieving bright, aligned strands. A Calista Tools Review might help youto choose the best hair straightener.

# 5 Never sleep with damp hair
Sleeping with damp hair brings innumerable harms that go far beyond aesthetics. This habit breaks down the hair fiber, increases frizz and can even cause severe scalp problems such as dandruff and seborrhea. After all, moisture facilitates the proliferation of fungi and bacteria.

# 6 Make finishers your allies
Always have good finishers in hand: oils, leave-in, silicones or even wetting spray. The main function of these products is to preserve yarn nutrients and protect them from external agents such as sun, wind, pollution and air humidity.

# 7 Release your locks
Do not leave strings tied, tied, and limited to a ponytail or bun. If your job does not require such hairstyles avoid as much as you can. If it is a professional requirement, whenever you are in your spare time, release the wires.

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